Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Oh my god, I'm so tired. I didn't get alot of sleep because I was nervous and shit for my interview. Woke up, shower, put on my shit, go to school. Fucking geography is so boring. Grad survey, Joel Flores for female candidate for most likely to win my heart <3. grad trans, did nothing but prepare for my interview, i was stressing over it. But after school when I did my interview, he didn't even ask me anything hard. So weird, its because hes brown and there cheap and they'll hire anyone with no pay. ya mean. came home, skated with Rylan, for a bit. Felt good to be back on the board again after a few days of rain. But it also felt awkward because I'm so rusty. Then kicked it with my home girl Annie at the smoke shop, always a good time. thats about it. Lets smoke some?

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