Friday, December 31, 2010

Well..... peace 2010. You were quite interesting.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010


it's been one month since you stumbled into my life.
at first, i was skeptical to let just anyone in my life, specially one who i hatED, but i took the chance. thinking if someone like my sibling could trust you, why not? i didn't know what you're intentions was with me so i asked, but still did not believe such a thing. at the time, i couldn't see just anyone doing such a kind thing to someone he or she barely knew, though we've known each other for so long. i really had no clue what to do when you walked into my life. but you knew i needed someone to just support and comfort me at the time. there you were 3am in the morning by my bedside listening and comforting me until i stopped nervously shaking. as days passed, you worried about my status. you wanted to help me get back on my two feet. surprisingly, it was a speedy recovery. you were like an advil to my headache, though i did not need to take you 3 times a day to make the pain go away. seriously, without you there, i can only imagine all the horrible sleepless nights i would endure, all the alcohol i would of consumed, all the sins i would have committed. till this day, you're here, not cause i'm still in pain, but we grew our relationship through such a horrible incident. now this friendship, this friendship, i can honestly say is one of the best friendships i have ever had. its foundation is based on honesty. one of the things i value the most. i know in the future i will be seeing you more. and i am thankfulblessed you have you in my life.

it's funny how the worst situation can have some pretty positive outcomes.

happy 1month friendship thingy.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

right place, wrong right time.

I can't imagine how it would be like without you here.
Well, I can but it's not positive.
It's actually pretty heart aching.
Really grateful for all the things you've done.
Thanks for being well..... you.
It was really unexpected, but I'm glad this happened.

I'm having a really hard time expressing how I'm feeling right now
but they're all good???? hahah
It's just...... unexplainable; can't put into words.


...I think this is my first happy blog :)


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Monday, December 6, 2010

If you give 100%, you'll receive 100%.
If not, then she ain't worth it.

It's not 50-50,
It's 100-100 or none.

Just give and give, but don't expect anything in return.
Hopefully she'll return the favour.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

funny how the worst situations can bring positive outcomes.

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