Sunday, May 24, 2009

how am i?

slow. - francis a.

anyways, i noticed i havent blogged in a while.
just an update.
k lets see...
school is getting better. I think its because its the final stretch. Like i said in my previous post, I just want these lasts few weeks to be fun and memorable.
I've been using film for the past week. Using an 1979 Nikon EM, ollllld schoool. I'm also using a Ricoh KR-S superII. I haven't developed any pictures yet but I think I'm getting good shots?
Lately, I've been biking around everywhere. I recently bought two specialized bikes, planning to buy another one. why? dont know. who cares. I bike pretty far, like bear creek, and I get lost many times. Just yesterday I got lost in the rich part of fraser heights. But it was fun, just going like 60km/h and listening to my indie. Soooooo chiiillll. And lets not forget the wind in your face that makes your hair go.... akjhakhdkhaskd lol. So if any ones down for biking, I'm soooooo down.
I havent lost the love for skating its just my board is so bad right now that its discouraging me to skate, BUT ill try to skate this week for sure.
Schools pretty gay. But its chill. I'm always on the computer, y enno, playing games and what nots. I've been going home for lunch for like a month now? I just leave straight out the door when the bell rings. Tryna save that cash flow.
AND OH, off topic but, I recently bought new comics, secret invasion runaways young avengers. I'm going to finish the last one tonight then buy probably civil war, I heard godo reviews from it. Its between Ironman and Captain America. Looks awesome. lol. but school right? I just want it over with nough said.

SO how am i?
just chillllling
yenno, no love trubs, just livin it.
so how are you?

1 comment:

ckp said...

mmm no love troubs, ditto friend.

WE'RE ALMOST DONE SCHOOL KARL! :D few more weeks, and off to college!