Thursday, July 31, 2008

Xbox360/PS3 lovas

Get ready to up your xbox/ps3 experience. This will make your xbox/ps3 feel a bit more like an arcade game machinery. Coming out Fall 2008, the QMotions Big Air wireless video game controller will drop. It is a full size deck that is compatible with the latest skate game out for the xbox 360 and PS3. Qmotions will continue to design and make such innovative Microsoft-endorsed action gaming products. The price? Well about $90. A little less than an actual skateboard but hey? It might be rainy and you want to skate right? The whole virtual reality game experience has hit us. Microsoft and Sony are trying to fight the whole Wii Fit balance board and boost the market. This thing is mighty empressive I must say. But my question is, "Is Microsoft and Sony just trying to make a rip off of the Wii Fit Balance Board?" Tell me your opinion.

1 comment:

Hunter said...

Looks tight. For 90 bucks i would buy it. I would like to see some cool accessories for my 360 and PS3. I just cant get into Wii.