Saturday, June 26, 2010

day 3 parents

So the other day, my family and I were celebrating my sister's graduation at Boston Pizza. As usual, I get drunk with the older people, and my mom had to drive home. As we were arriving home, we had to get out of the car before my mom parks it. I opened the door, stepped off the car, and guess what? my mom rolled over my foot! I screamed "BACK UP YOU'RE ON MY FOOT!" If she gone any further I think she would of injured or even broke my ankle. I got really angry with her, telling her she's stupid for not seeing that I haven't fully left the car yet. But I saw my mom crying. That's when I realized that she felt really sorry about what happened. Afterwards, I felt really bad for yelling. I knew deep down that she really cares for me. It was an accident. I was drunk, so I just wanted to go to sleep and forget about it. But my mom comes rushing through my bedroom with an icepack saying her sorries. I just told her it doesn't hurt at all. But long story short, I really love her.

As for my dad, he always looks out for my wants and needs, even when I don't ask for it. For example, when I almost broke my jaw last year from skateboarding, he didn't want me to stop skateboarding, he just wants me to take it easy. Unlike my mom, she freaked out, which is reasonable for a mother. There's this other time when my dad is asking me if this flash, for my DSLR, is good. I didn't ask for a flash, but he knew that it would be a good asset for my DSLR.

Today, I ditched my parents, (they were going downtown), to hang out with my friend. As I arrived home, they bought the whole family Canada t-shirts. They planned a trip to celebrate Canada Day downtown wearing Canada shirts. I know it's kind of lame, but I wouldn't change a thing.

That's why I love them.