Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Things to be pissed about (sorry francis)

- don't waste my time
- don't doubt me
- regrets
- school:@
- being broke
- people who talk too much
- when im hungry, theres never food
- no one is neat and organized in my house
- i got no clue what im doing
- wet socks
- bored
- blogspot
- computers
- facebook
- lgs
- girl
- reets / eeks
- nose bleeds
- can't land certain tricks
- no L
- how i basicly copied this from francis, sorry
- closet
- pile of tissue
- days with no point
- days with a point but never happens
- lonely holidays
- going to the mall with no money just browsing wishing you had money
- hair
- when its nice out, i dont have a camera to capture the moment
- new years eve.


Anonymous said...

lonely holidays :( all i is coco and louis and my book. hot damn

ckp said...

why so pessimistic my friend?