Saturday, July 3, 2010

5. dreams

Lately I've been having these weird dreams...

It happened not once but twice and I usually don't remember my dream instantaneous but this one I did.

It was about a girl who I once crushed, well you know it's complicated..
On with the story,
So I remembered her crying because she lost something, and I went to look for it.
It meant a lot to her.
And she meant a lot to me.
Thats it. LOL

I don't remember the other one...

Wow that was horrible.

I believe that we all have the same dream.
To be successful in life and
To find happiness/love/peace.
Am I right or am I right?
All I know is that everyone has a different road to take that leads us to the exact location, the epicentre of life.
All I know is that, if you really want your dreams to come true, you have to put the effort in doing so. Meaning that you can't just sit on your ass and wait for it to happen. Don't chase your dream, lead it. Chasing means that it's getting away. Whereas leading it means you already have a grasp on it.

My dream?
There's a lot I want out of life.
From my dream car, to my dream job.
Then there's the dream of self accomplishment. The one where without it, there is no point of living.
That dream for me, is not been written into stone.

I'll reach it.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

After 2am

the late night phone calls
the whisper so my parents wont hear us
the “Don’t fall asleep on the phone on me”
the “No, you hang up!
ok 1 2 3 bye… YOU DIDNT HANG UP”
the “Hold on, I have to switch ears, this one is getting sore. Ok back, what were you saying?
the triple digit numbers on your phone bill
the endless texts back and forth
the trying to multitask while trying to balance the phone on your shoulder and ear
the friend asking what you’re doing, “I’m on the phone with her” “Reeeeeet, go fuck already!” hahaha, fuck you =D
the games, would you rather, if you could, whats your favourite, etc.
the laughs
the tears
the endless hours of silence
but the feeling of being together
the sound of her voice, comforting and relaxing.
yeah, all those countless nights after 2am,
nothing tops that feeling.

Something I scribbled a few months back that I posted on tumblr

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