Sometimes in life, in order to get to the desired destination we need to take risks. But there's this question that pops up in our minds, is it worth it? The bigger the risks the greater the reward, right? I've always questioned myself. I would over think the situation. I would end up not doing anything; not taking the risk. But I always look back and wonder what if this is that happened? What if my predictions were true?
I look back and regret those times. It's better to know whats real than wondering what if after wards. Sometimes in order to get to where you want to be, you need to make mistakes. Even if you know that the odds are against you. It's better knowing than wondering. Life is full of mistakes. We learn from our mistakes, that's how we get stronger. Mistakes aren't stupid, they're a part of life; it happens to everyone. So in the end, life is made up of mistakes. It's what makes us, us.
"Is this milk still good?"
(Drinks milk)
"Aw gross, why didn't you tell me this is expired?"
"Why didn't you throw it out?"
Come on, make the mistake. It might be the best mistake you ever made.