WOW.....Its been a great 5 years, wasn't it? It's just kicking in right now that I'm graduating. I know tomorrow night, it will be fully recognizable that highschool is over and where "real world" starts.
Let's see...
Let's go back in time just for a second.
I still remember my first day of elementary school. I was shitting bricks infront the whole class. I remember the teacher, Ms Taylor, introducing me to the class and I was hiding behind my mom asking her to buy me a burger at Burger King LOL. And I think I soiled my self a little that time. Then I came home and what do you know, some girl from my class phoned my house and started talking to me. She had a huge crush on me LOL. It was so awkward because where I was living currently was tiny and everyone was in the same room listening to me talk to her. So awkward. I started blushing really hard and was getting all warm. I used to be soo spoiled. Well.. I still am. I used to cry/beg for toys I want such as Legos, Pokemon Cards, and other childhood toys.
Then lets skip a few grades because I totally forgot what happened.
K grade 5, First crush/gf. LOL, Alex Rausher. Wow, I just remember us not talking at all when we were together. We should just shyly look at each other in class. Can't believe we lasted that long though. Then grade 5 was Nikki V. Which was Alex R's best friend at that time. Which is weird! First kiss was from her LOL. Then grade 7 was my first love, Marion. Which was Nikki's best friend at the time, which was awkwardddd. But we had the best time. 26 months. Wow.
Then Highschool. First day I had lunch with Cas Parto, my first friend from JH, and we're still friends! I called her and she was like you'll spot me I'm that really short girl in front of the school. LOL, I couldn't believe it at first but size don't matter. She still had a big heart. We ate at McDees. And we were late for class already haha. All of us chilled at one spot of the school, Orca Lane. So much shit happened there like fights. Good times! Thats where I meet my bros. IC, Miko, Joel. Joel was gay, he asked me everyday who I liked. Miko is like a bro to me. I can go to him with any problem I have. I don't care if he doesn't solve it, I just need someone to listen. And IC, that faggot, he moved to Edmonton 2 years ago. But we still had an amazing time because we were family friends. We were always together. When I first met him, I couldn't stop laughing because his laugh was so contagious. Haha, listening to it in my heads makes me laugh a little. Then I met Nygel in a family party, I got close with Stanley in Socials. Jermsauce we just slowly got to know each other well enough to be bros. Keanu, "nice meeting you" haha. I got to know him from Miko and we had duo bike ride together. "NO HOMO." haha good times. King, wow, I'm glad you moved to Jh and we had lots of fun playing pool thats where we all bonded and chilled. Francis, shoot, since... grade 5? I remember you sucking ass in BBall, and I stuffed you first time we played ball, haha. But now.. holy, you practised really hard and I guess practise does make perfect, you are living proof. I hope all of you the best in your lives. I know all of you will succeed. I know we'll all keep in touch. Just don't forget about each other. Lets have the best night of our lives. Live it up. No homo but I'm holding back tears.
I had my phases haha. From Hardcore basketball dedication for the love of the game love. To bruised shins, cuts, and hardcore anger skater. And in between namma hair, hardcore cs gamer, and wanting to be hardcore. LOL. I think I've found my place. I've become more responsible, wiser, and just older. No regrets whats so ever. Aight yo, I think it's time for me to get my sleep, I got a big day tomorrow. I'll be taking pictures and will be posting them on BS x Facebook x Twitter.

Grad 09!
Word Count: 741. lol