well we officially have 17 days(including weekends) until we're out of highschool, and 20 days until grad. HOLY, its been a long road and it's finally coming to an end.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
wow, you never notice how close/far things are until you start a countdown.
well we officially have 17 days(including weekends) until we're out of highschool, and 20 days until grad. HOLY, its been a long road and it's finally coming to an end.
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well we officially have 17 days(including weekends) until we're out of highschool, and 20 days until grad. HOLY, its been a long road and it's finally coming to an end.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
how am i?
slow. - francis a.
anyways, i noticed i havent blogged in a while.
just an update.
k lets see...
school is getting better. I think its because its the final stretch. Like i said in my previous post, I just want these lasts few weeks to be fun and memorable.
I've been using film for the past week. Using an 1979 Nikon EM, ollllld schoool. I'm also using a Ricoh KR-S superII. I haven't developed any pictures yet but I think I'm getting good shots?
Lately, I've been biking around everywhere. I recently bought two specialized bikes, planning to buy another one. why? dont know. who cares. I bike pretty far, like bear creek, and I get lost many times. Just yesterday I got lost in the rich part of fraser heights. But it was fun, just going like 60km/h and listening to my indie. Soooooo chiiillll. And lets not forget the wind in your face that makes your hair go.... akjhakhdkhaskd lol. So if any ones down for biking, I'm soooooo down.
I havent lost the love for skating its just my board is so bad right now that its discouraging me to skate, BUT ill try to skate this week for sure.
Schools pretty gay. But its chill. I'm always on the computer, y enno, playing games and what nots. I've been going home for lunch for like a month now? I just leave straight out the door when the bell rings. Tryna save that cash flow.
AND OH, off topic but, I recently bought new comics, secret invasion runaways young avengers. I'm going to finish the last one tonight then buy probably civil war, I heard godo reviews from it. Its between Ironman and Captain America. Looks awesome. lol. but school right? I just want it over with nough said.
SO how am i?
just chillllling
yenno, no love trubs, just livin it.
so how are you?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
movin' on up
I came home for lunch today. But after I went back to school I received a called from my dad. lol, I answered it during class. He said I got a letter from Kwantlen. He wanted me to open it to see what's inside. I got a call yesterday from kwantlen as well but I couldn't understand what the hell the person was saying, her accent was too strong. So I got home dropped all my books and bag. Got the knife, opened the letter. What do you know, I got ACCEPTED to Kwantlen. That was really fast. I applied less than a week ago. My only problem is that my english mark isn't high enough to meet requirements so, I need to step up my game.
On the other note, we had an assembly today about graduation. We talked about graduation dinner and dance, dry grad, and commencement. They just gave us a pile of information. It was pretty boring but it also made me realize some stuff. It made me realize how short and precious the time we have right now. Theres only 24 more teaching days left. I just want the rest of my time left in high school to be fun. I hated the last 2-3 years of high school. I just want the rest of my days to be memorable and fun.
I also realized something. I kind of broke my word. Well I forgot about it. I said to my self that I wouldn't stress over a girl this year. Well even though I can't fight feelings, I can still make some decisions. Because I just want to enjoy the rest of the year. I don't want to complicate things right now. It's just not the right time. Maybe later. lol.
So if you're still reading this,
I feel like I took a step closer to just.. growing up. Reality just kick in. I need to be more mature and responsible now lol. To be honest, I'm scared. About what? We'll the future. I don't know what it's going to hold for me, who's going my friends, just I don't know where it's going to take me. But I know I'll be successful. But for now, I just want to enjoy the time we have right now.
Well, that's it. I'm a big kid now.
Monday, May 11, 2009
lost love
I just finished my photo project. It's about lost love. It's suppose to be a story, I hope people will understand it, it's not that hard.
I really enjoyed this project for some reason. It was challenging but also, I could really relate to the topic. It brought back memories and feelings. ='(.
Anyways, I'm going to post it on my photoblog.
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I really enjoyed this project for some reason. It was challenging but also, I could really relate to the topic. It brought back memories and feelings. ='(.
Anyways, I'm going to post it on my photoblog.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
hate feeling this way
i thought youd be different, though we had something,
thought you be...
excited when i pop up on the bottom right corner of your screen
when my name pops up on that caller id.
I thought you'd ask me a bunch of random questions that makes me think whoaa, she really wants to get to know me.
I thought you'd care/be interested/welll.. be open to me.
I can't tell if youre just being shy or ignoring me or i dont know.
and im still here, waiting. waiting for what? you.
i've done all i can do.
its up to you to realize whats infront of you.
and if you want to leave, then youre just wasting my time.
Or maybe..
these are signs, warning signs.
i'm confused.
you said it your self, it takes two to tango.
we can't even hold up a convo.
maybe im over t hinking things, but thats the way i am.
maybe im rushing things.
i want to befriend you.
maybe not like these guys but hey, we can try?
just please, try, thats what im asking for.

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thought you be...
excited when i pop up on the bottom right corner of your screen
when my name pops up on that caller id.
I thought you'd ask me a bunch of random questions that makes me think whoaa, she really wants to get to know me.
I thought you'd care/be interested/welll.. be open to me.
I can't tell if youre just being shy or ignoring me or i dont know.
and im still here, waiting. waiting for what? you.
i've done all i can do.
its up to you to realize whats infront of you.
and if you want to leave, then youre just wasting my time.
Or maybe..
these are signs, warning signs.
i'm confused.
you said it your self, it takes two to tango.
we can't even hold up a convo.
maybe im over t hinking things, but thats the way i am.
maybe im rushing things.
i want to befriend you.
maybe not like these guys but hey, we can try?
just please, try, thats what im asking for.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
dopest weekend so far
This long weekend was one of the dopest weekends everr. I don't remember the last time I had such a fun time. Probably on my birthday? Dang, that was a long time ago. The fun started on Thursday. School was going well, cooked stuff in foods and finally made it out in time. And aced my accounting test and for the rest of the day I just played neopets and fool around haha. Right after, went to the mall with lozel, bought a watch. We ate pho and couldn't finish the spring rolls; you totally failed lozel XD. Visited Pearl Fever, as usual. We went to Daniel's house to play some xxxhardcorexxx rock band that I totally suck at. THEN we ate some more! Played some res evil and f-k up all the zombots. Then we just chilled outside played ball, threw around the football, and biked around. THEN we had a brilliant plan that we should go biking tomorrow(friday).
Friday came, no school.
Its was like 25 degrees inside, 30 outside lol. I got up pretty early just to fix my bikes. I fixed it all up and I took one big pedal and it broke, F-K. So I had to use my old school bike that was surprisingly fast. We rounded up the gang and headed to Bear Creek. We were on the road going like 50 km/h, well I was; no joke. I HAD NO BRAKES. It was all downhill from Bear Creek. But guess what? It was all uphill going back. SO we biked for 3-4 hours. Took lots of rest stops and ate at Wendys. It was a lot of fun, we should do it again boys. Next time, Alex Fraser Bridge XD.
we had abby's 18th birthday debut kind of ish not really but still kind of half way debut? okayy..... So it was semi-formal. Oh wait, before that I got my new glasses. I look like Superman, Clark Kent lol. k so back to the party.. We ate, we played games, we jammed <3, took lots of pictures, and just hang and chill. But after party is the after party, right kels? We went back to abby's house to drink and watch movies. We were watching Borat then College then Knocked Up then Pineapple Express. Noone was actually watch it, so we finally turned it off and played some sharades/trivia. It was dopeeeee. Just drinking, eating, and playing games. It didn't end til like 2:30 haha. Got home passed out, dont remember how much I drank but I remember everything, so I wasn't drunk.
Sunday finally came.
Got up, got a small hangover. I didn't have a good sleep, my stomach hurted. I did my weekly chores, then skated with my boy Rylan. Got new shoes from Adam; thanks homie. Went to the Coastal sale. Skated at William f. I got my Tres on lock now son~~! Day ended short, because I was so tired from last night sh-t. Now.... I don't know if I had homework to do but screw it.
What a fun weekend dude. Super chill, super fun, super dope. yeeeee yee steezy aint eaaazyyy.
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This long weekend was one of the dopest weekends everr. I don't remember the last time I had such a fun time. Probably on my birthday? Dang, that was a long time ago. The fun started on Thursday. School was going well, cooked stuff in foods and finally made it out in time. And aced my accounting test and for the rest of the day I just played neopets and fool around haha. Right after, went to the mall with lozel, bought a watch. We ate pho and couldn't finish the spring rolls; you totally failed lozel XD. Visited Pearl Fever, as usual. We went to Daniel's house to play some xxxhardcorexxx rock band that I totally suck at. THEN we ate some more! Played some res evil and f-k up all the zombots. Then we just chilled outside played ball, threw around the football, and biked around. THEN we had a brilliant plan that we should go biking tomorrow(friday).
Friday came, no school.
Its was like 25 degrees inside, 30 outside lol. I got up pretty early just to fix my bikes. I fixed it all up and I took one big pedal and it broke, F-K. So I had to use my old school bike that was surprisingly fast. We rounded up the gang and headed to Bear Creek. We were on the road going like 50 km/h, well I was; no joke. I HAD NO BRAKES. It was all downhill from Bear Creek. But guess what? It was all uphill going back. SO we biked for 3-4 hours. Took lots of rest stops and ate at Wendys. It was a lot of fun, we should do it again boys. Next time, Alex Fraser Bridge XD.
we had abby's 18th birthday debut kind of ish not really but still kind of half way debut? okayy..... So it was semi-formal. Oh wait, before that I got my new glasses. I look like Superman, Clark Kent lol. k so back to the party.. We ate, we played games, we jammed <3, took lots of pictures, and just hang and chill. But after party is the after party, right kels? We went back to abby's house to drink and watch movies. We were watching Borat then College then Knocked Up then Pineapple Express. Noone was actually watch it, so we finally turned it off and played some sharades/trivia. It was dopeeeee. Just drinking, eating, and playing games. It didn't end til like 2:30 haha. Got home passed out, dont remember how much I drank but I remember everything, so I wasn't drunk.
Sunday finally came.
Got up, got a small hangover. I didn't have a good sleep, my stomach hurted. I did my weekly chores, then skated with my boy Rylan. Got new shoes from Adam; thanks homie. Went to the Coastal sale. Skated at William f. I got my Tres on lock now son~~! Day ended short, because I was so tired from last night sh-t. Now.... I don't know if I had homework to do but screw it.
What a fun weekend dude. Super chill, super fun, super dope. yeeeee yee steezy aint eaaazyyy.
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