Welll, its the end of the year. Its the day where you look back and remember all the memorable things that happened during the year. I don't know but it seems kind of sad to me. Lets see what I can think of... Lets start off with school.(Gr.11 sem2) - crazy, lazy semester. Thats the semester when I started to skip more hahah. I think it was because I had slack classes. hahaha. What evs I passed. Photo class was amazing, chem was a bitch but i passed, math was aiight because I had all my homies there, accounting was boring but fun in the end, spanish was dope only 2 guys in that class which was me and king hahah, pe was dope too, thats about it that i can remember... Oh yeah last day of school, celtics won, dressed up shiii.. haha GTS.
Summmer..... meh, it was alright. Skate day was dope. I didn't really do much except when my cousins came here from las vegas for a week and we went to all these places. Oh yeah libera(art teacher) lent me the camera for the summer so that was a (Y+++) thanks. Lots of sleeping in, lots of nude basketball haha, and skating. Maybe next year will be better? fa sho. Back to schoo, grade 12 final year. the kings of the school - felt good. started off good, then it went downhill. haha shit grade 12 is stressful. but lots of us got good grades so im proud of us yeyeye. we got our act straight from GT(grad trans) thanks ms D. But it was only good because EVERYONE was there. Well I don't know if youre still reading because im just rambling about boring shit that happened this year. Yeah thats why its kind of sad because nothing really good happened.
SOOO... 2009, you better be good. End of the year and its time to make more resos.
- stop swearing so much >_> haha
- actually do homework
- lay off the computer and msn for a while
- gain more knowledge 8)
- use blogspot rather than facebook more often because facebook is (N)
- get my N this year woo
- Start saving up for post sec.
- start applying for post sec.
- find a job that i will be satisfied with haha
- grow a stach and a soul patch hahahahaha =]
- be enjoyful ahhaha 8)