So, its late summer and yeah school is coming back. For me, last year of highschool. BUT, I'm not here to blog about school, eff that because I don't even wanna start.
So this week, my cousins came here from vegas. Meet them up at Seattle, did some shopping, went home, nothing special. Next day, Harison, messed up weather. Me and Lawrence explored the wild ocean of the pacific(boated). Bumper boats was dope. Got soaken wet, and lost my voice. church. Next day, went to Queen Elizabeth garden thingy. Took alot of flower pictures and what nots. Enjoyable. Science World first time visitor = me! I was excited. It was fun there. Went to Stanley Park but didn't stay long. DT dinner, went to eat at Tropika - Thai and Malaysian food - the bomb. Then Victoria next day. Fun Ferry ride, but expensive caf food. Refreshing wind breeze out on deck. But crappy weather. Arrived at Victoria. Butchart Garden, amazing. SnapSnap*. Favourite garden gots to be Japanese Garden. Sister and little cousins went to wax musuem. Us Adults went to parliament building and had a tour. It was pretty interesting. Walked down to the docks. Funny entertainment man hussling money off our pockets. Large cotton candy miniments <3. Departing home. New ferry boat. Arcade all day. Initial D ownage, record = 3-0 for me. Owning all my competitors. Passed out. Grouse next day but too pussy to go up, stayed at Starbucks playing DS, woo. Aquarium right after. It's been a long time since I've been there like 8 years I think so I was pretty hyped. Saw huge Amazon fishes that are sizes of bears. Missed the Baluga Whale touring, eff. Very fun. PNE after. Hell no I ain't gunna ride any rides. Rode only the bumper cars and maze *tehe. Fireworks came out of nowhere. I started snappin. That was all of it. I've had a busy week with my cousins and enjoyed it. *READ MORE FOR PHOTOS
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